
What You Need to Know about Intimacy Coordinator Training

Intimacy coordination is a relatively new field that has emerged in response to the #MeToo movement and growing awareness of the importance of consent and safety on film and television sets.

An intimacy coordinator is a trained specialist who works with actors and crew to ensure that intimate scenes are performed safely, respectfully, and in a way that aligns with the vision of the production.

If you’re interested in becoming an intimacy coordinator, here’s what you need to know about intimacy coordinator training.

1. The Basics of Intimacy Coordination

Intimacy coordination involves working with actors, directors, and other crew members to ensure that intimate scenes are performed safely and respectfully. This can include choreographing and blocking scenes, establishing clear boundaries and communication protocols, and advocating for the needs and comfort of the actors involved.

Intimacy coordinators may also liaise with production teams and provide education and training on consent and intimacy-related issues.

2. Certification and Training Programs

While intimacy coordination is a relatively new field, there are now several certification and training programs available for individuals who want to become certified intimacy coordinators.

These programs typically cover various topics, including intimacy choreography, communication skills, consent and boundaries, and advocacy. Many programs also require practical experience working on set or in theater productions.

3. Skills and Qualities Needed

You’ll need a range of skills and qualities to be an effective intimacy coordinator. These include excellent communication skills, the ability to collaborative with a range of stakeholders, strong organizational and problem-solving skills, and a deep understanding of consent and boundary-setting.

You’ll also need to be comfortable working with actors and crew members in susceptible and vulnerable situations.

4. Career Opportunities

As awareness of the importance of intimacy coordination grows, so too do career opportunities in this field. As an intimacy coordinator, you may be responsible for working on an array of productions, from small independent films to large-scale Hollywood blockbusters.

Intimacy coordinators may work on film, television, and theater productions and may be employed by production companies or hired as freelancers.

5. Continuing Education and Professional Development

As with any field, continuing education and professional development are essential for intimacy coordinators. This may include attending workshops and conferences, seeking mentorship opportunities, and staying up to date with the latest research and best practices. Many certification programs also require ongoing education and training to maintain certification.

 If you’re interested in becoming an intimacy coordinator, consider doing the needful as stated above. With hard work and dedication, you can build a rewarding career as an intimacy coordinator and make a meaningful impact on the film and television industry.

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